42nd Jamboree On The Air
I had the pleasure of participating in the 42nd Jamboree on the air.This was my first time at this event,we had great weather and the bands where in good shape.We had a few bugs but we over came them.It was fun and it was great to see the kids when they sat in front of the microphone talking to scouts in a different part of the world.So thanks to all that helped.So if a scout leader approached you and asked you,"would you like to volunteer for the Jamboree on the air" Go for It.You will have a good time and remember it for the rest of your life.
Jamboree On The Air was held at Jelly Stone Park in Amherstburg Ontario,Canada.
We had a hard top trailer with a add a room,running a Kenwood FT-840 HF Transceiver with a G5RV Antenna,with VE3GSU at the mic. At the other end, a Yaesu FR-101 receiver and FL-101 Transmitter combo,also known as the Yaesu twins.Running a G5RV Antenna at 200 watts,with yours truly VA3BEK at the mic.Temps where in the 70's both days,tear down day was 55deg.Will remember to bring band aids next time.
Contact list from Jamboree log book.26 contacts in 2 days from Oct 16 to 17 transmitting from 8:00am till 1:00am E.S.T daily.
KP4U 14.290 AA4ZJA 14.288 N4ROS 14.283 VY2JAM 14.283 K4JIC 14.288 W4DJV 14.285 K2BSA 14.288
AE4HX 14.288 K84U 14.288 Y2PW 14.290 NP4QH 14.290 P4ARC 28.389 KF4YHG 28.389 KF4HEJ 28.280
N2YR 28.310 VY2JAM 28.310 K4JLC 28.280 VY0JF 28.288 P43ARC 14.280 VE3KXL 147.060 KD0PY 7.200
WE3EXW 7.260 VE2CQ 3.7440 VE3MEX 3.7440 VE3TVV 3.7440 VE3JGL 3.7440
Communicating with each station for 15 to 30 min at a time,or more.
Special thanks to VE3GSU Dick,Dave O,Bill C and his scouts.Untill next year 73's take care.
Here is a few Pictures from the site.
This is me with the YAESU Twins.image bill2.JPG (108808 bytes)
Dick VE3GSU and Bill one of the scout leaders.Will make Bill a Ham
operator yet.image 3guys2.JPG (100254 bytes)